Dr. Jimenez has been working in dentistry field over 15 years, working as a dental technician, dental assistance and finally as Dentist 9 years ago.
Started working with the founder of America Dental: Dr Ignacio Vargas, he was like her mentor in aestehtics and also is how she got into the sense of biological dentistry, she recognizes that there is an essential connection between oral health and the health of the body
DDS, General Dentist, Cosmetic Dentist
Doctor in Dental Latinamerican University of Science and Technology
2017-2018 Theorical-Practical in High Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation
Davinci’s Dental Academy
2019 Health Management
2024 Advanced oral rehabilitation
2023 Printed total prostheses, clinical protocols, design and 3D printing.
2024 Advanced oral rehabilitation Dr. Roberto Tello
Employment history
America Dental
January 1, 2012 – Present
Medical Tourism
Dentist: attention of patients, do different treatments (fillings, cleanings, bridges, crowns, veneers, extractions, restorations over implants, dental scanning, etc.), patient´s coordinator.
Dental Technician: do some dental works
Assistant: assistance in surgical procedures and orthodontic procedures.